Subject: Consider a development proposal to demolish an existing commercial building and construct a new nine (9) unit single-family home development including one (1) home containing an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). (Application No(s): EA-2020-001, Z-2020-001, DP-2020-001, TM-2020-001, ASA-2020-003, and U-2020-001; Applicant(s): Alan Enterprise LLC; Location: 22690 Stevens Creek Boulevard; APN#s 341-14-066, 342-14-104 & 105)
Recommended Action
The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council:
1. Adopt Resolution No. 22-007 adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration (EA-2020-001) (Attachment A);
2. Introduce and conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 22-2237, “An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino approving the Rezoning of three parcels from Planned Development Zoning with General Commercial uses (P(CG)) to Planned Development Zoning with General Commercial and Residential uses (P(CG, Res))” (Z-2020-001) (Attachment B);
3. Adopt Resolution No. 22-008 approving the Development Permit (DP-2020-001) (Attachment C);
4. Adopt Resolution No. 22-009 approving the Architectural and Site Approval (ASA-2020-003) (Attachment D);
5. Adopt Resolution No. 22-010 approving the Use Permit (U-2020-001) (Attachment E); and
6. Adopt Resolution No. 22-011 approving the Tentative Map (TM-2020-001) (Attachment F).