IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City.

Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/1/2022 5:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: This will be a teleconference meeting without a physical location.
Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:30) and Regular City Council Meeting (6:45)
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Presentations (Updated 2-1-2022) Presentations (Updated 2-1-2022) Meeting Extra2: Written Communications (Updated 02-02-2022) Written Communications (Updated 02-02-2022) Meeting Extra3: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
Attachments: 02-01-2022 Searchable Packet, YouTube Transcription
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-10325 11. Study Session Subject: Study session to discuss the awarded PDA Planning Grant funds from the Association of Bay Area Governments/Metropolitan Transportation Commission (ABAG/MTC) for the Heart of the City Specific Plan Update in conjunction with the Housing Element UpdateItem heard  Action details Not available
22-10404 11. Ceremonial ItemsSubject: Re-Issued Proclamation honoring Paul Haayer for his military servicePresented  Action details Not available
22-10327 12. Ceremonial ItemsSubject: Recognition of Fine Arts Commission Artists Award winnersPresented  Action details Not available
21-10213 13. Reports by Council and Staff (10 Minutes)Subject: Brief reports on councilmember activities and brief announcementsItem heard  Action details Not available
21-10224 14. Reports by Council and Staff (10 Minutes)Subject: Report on Committee assignmentsDiscussed  Action details Not available
21-10235 15. Reports by Council and Staff (10 Minutes)Subject: City Manager updateItem heard  Action details Not available
21-10295 16. Consent Calendar Subject: Approve the January 13 City Council minutesApproved  Action details Not available
21-10246 17. Consent Calendar Subject: Approve the January 18 City Council minutesApproved  Action details Not available
22-10401 18. Ordinances and Action ItemsSubject: Consider Accounts Payable for the period ending December 20, 2021Tabled  Action details Not available
22-10402 19. Ordinances and Action ItemsSubject: Consider Accounts Payable for the period ending January 3, 2022Adopted  Action details Not available
22-10379 110. Consent Calendar Subject: Administrative Record for a development proposal to demolish an existing commercial building and construct a new nine (9) unit single-family home development including one (1) home containing an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). (Application No(s): EA-2020-001, Z-2020-001, DP-2020-001, TM-2020-001, ASA-2020-003, and U-2020-001; Applicant(s): Alan Enterprise LLC; Location: 22690 Stevens Creek Boulevard; APN#s 341-14-066, 342-14-104 & 105)Adopted  Action details Not available
22-10331 111. Second Reading of OrdinancesSubject: Consider second reading and enactment of an Ordinance approving the Rezoning of two parcels from Planned Development with General Commercial Uses (P(CG)) to Planned Development with General Commercial and Residential Uses (P(CG, Res))" to allow the Canyon Crossing development (Application No(s): EA-2018-06, Z-2018-02; Applicant(s): Dan Shaw (SCR Enterprises); Location 10625 South Foothill Boulevard; APN#s 342-16-087, -088)Enacted  Action details Not available
22-10332 112. Second Reading of OrdinancesSubject: Consider second reading and enactment of an Ordinance approving the Rezoning of three parcels from Planned Development Zoning with General Commercial uses (P(CG)) to Planned Development Zoning with General Commercial and Residential uses (P(CG, Res))” to allow development of the Bateh Brothers site (Application No(s): EA-2020-001, Z-2020-001; Applicant(s): Alan Enterprise LLC; Location: 22690 Stevens Creek Boulevard; APN#s 341-14-066, 342-14-104 & 105)Enacted  Action details Not available
22-10378 113. Public HearingsSubject: Consider an amendment to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 Fee Schedule C - Planning Fees to add a Miscellaneous Ministerial Permit fee pursuant to Urgency Ordinance No. 21-2235 regarding the ministerial processing of up to two unit projects pursuant to Senate Bill 9Adopted  Action details Not available
22-10330 114. Public HearingsSubject: Consider an extension of an Interim Ordinance to implement new state legislation (Senate Bill 9), that provides for ministerial approval of up to two units and/or a lot split in a residential single-family zone (Application No.: MCA-2021-005; Applicant: City of Cupertino; Location: Citywide in all residential single family zones)Enacted  Action details Not available
22-10299 115. Ordinances and Action ItemsSubject: Consideration of Notice of Intent to Vacate a Public Pedestrian Walkway Easement through Tract 9405 (Campo De Lozano.)Adopted  Action details Not available
22-10297 116. Ordinances and Action ItemsSubject: Consider adopting the proposed 2022 Legislative PlatformAdopted  Action details Not available