IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City.

Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 12/17/2024 6:45 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber and via Teleconference
Amended Televised Regular Meeting (6:45)
Published agenda: Amended Agenda Amended Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available Meeting Extra2: Written Communications (Updated 12-18-2024) Written Communications (Updated 12-18-2024) Meeting Extra3: Supplemental Reports Supplemental Reports  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
Attachments: CC 12-17-2024 Searchable Packet.pdf, CC 12-17-2024 Amended Searchable Packet, YouTube Transcription
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-13523 11. Consent Calendar Subject: Approve the November 21, 2024 City Council minutes   Not available Not available
23-12666 12. Consent Calendar Subject: Approve the December 3, 2024 City Council minutes   Not available Not available
23-12628 13. Consent Calendar Subject: Ratifying Accounts Payable for the periods ending November 1, 2024; November 8, 2024; November 15, 2024; November 22, 2024 and November 29, 2024   Not available Not available
24-13413 14. Consent Calendar Subject: City Council meeting schedule through January 21, 2026   Not available Not available
24-13412 15. Action CalendarSubject: Appointment of 2025 Council Committee assignments   Not available Not available
24-13557 16. Action CalendarSubject: City Work Program and Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Program prioritization process   Not available Not available
23-12689 17. Councilmember ReportsSubject: Councilmember Reports   Not available Not available