| 1 | 1. | | Approval of Minutes | Subject: Approve the October 25 Planning Commission minutes | | |
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| 1 | 2. | | Public Hearings | Subject: Consider a Development Permit, Tentative Map, and Architectural & Site Approval to consider the demolition of approximately 44,000 sq. ft. of existing commercial and the construction of three mixed-use buildings with approximately 41,268 sq. ft. of commercial space and 206 condominium units and a Tree Removal Permit to allow the removal and replacement of 92 trees. The applicant is also requesting a density bonus, and density bonus waivers for height, setbacks, and common open space; (Application No(s): DP-2022-001, ASA-2022-002, TR-2022-026, TM-2022-003; Applicant(s): Larry Wang (Tectonic Builders Corp.); Location: 10145 N. De Anza Blvd, 10118 Bandley Dr., APNs 326-34-066, 326-34-043. | | |
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Not available