Subject: Adopt an allocation plan for funds uncommitted from the Sales Tax Repayment reserve
Recommended Action
Option A:
A. Adopt Option A
Option B:
A. Adopt Option B
B. Adopt Resolution No. 24-109 approving budget modification No. 2425-366, increasing appropriations by $11,688,705
C. Adopt Resolution No. 24-110 amending the Unrepresented Employees’ Compensation Program
D. Approve new three-year limited term Grants Analyst position for grants management
E. Approve new Assistant Director of Administrative Services, Grants Analyst, Senior Business Systems Analyst and Supervising Code Enforcement classifications
Option C:
A. Adopt Option C
B. Adopt Resolution No. 24-109 approving budget modification No. 2425-366, increasing appropriations by $11,688,705
C. Adopt Resolution No. 24-110 amending the Unrepresented Employees’ Compensation Program
D. Approve new three-year limited term Grants Analyst position for grants management
E. Approve new Assistant Director of Administrative Services, Grants Analyst, Senior Business Systems Analyst and Supervising Code Enforcement classifications