Subject: Proposed measure to restructure Cupertino’s basic business license tax from a tax based on square footage to a tax based on employee count
Recommended Action
Take action to approve submission to the voters of a measure to amend the City’s business license tax or defer the measure and provide further direction to staff. Council can take the following actions:
A. (1) Adopt Resolution No. 18-070, “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino ordering the submission to the qualified electors of the City a measure to amend the business license tax at the Tuesday, November 6, 2018 general election called by Resolution No. 18-054, and providing for written arguments regarding the measure and directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis”; and (2) submit to voters at the November 6, 2018 General Municipal Election “An Ordinance of the people of the City of Cupertino amending Chapter 5.04 of the Cupertino Municipal Code regarding business license taxes, fees, and charges;” or
B. Defer placing the business license tax measure to the November 2020 election and direct staff to undertake further study and continue working with stakeholders on preparing a transportation spending plan and draft business license tax measure.