Subject: Award a construction contract to Golden Bay Construction in the amount of $1,569,798, approve a first amendment to the design services contract with Pakpour Consulting Group to increase the contract by $96,620 for a total not-to-exceed contract amount of $310,483 and approve a budget modification in the amount of $1,500,000 for the Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Project
Recommended Action
1. Award a construction contract for the Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Phase 2A Project (budget unit 420-99-036, project number 2022-15) in the amount of $1,569,798 to Golden Bay Construction, Inc.;
2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the construction contract with Golden Bay Construction, Inc. when all conditions have been met;
3. Authorize the Director of Public Works to execute any necessary construction change orders up to a construction contingency amount of $156,980 (10%) for a total contract amount of $1,726,778;
4. Authorize the City Manager to amend the Design Services Contract with Pakpour Consulting Group to increase the amount by $96,620 for a total not-to-exceed contract amount of $310,483 for the 2022-11 Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Phase 2B Design Project; and
5. Adopt Resolution No. 25-004 approving budget modification #2425-377, approving an increase of grant revenue estimates of $1,500,000 and a transfer out of $693,000. This includes an increase of $807,000 in Federal grant funds and a transfer of $693,000 in SB1 Grant Funds from the Transportation Fund (270-85-821) into the Capital Improvement Program Capital Project Fund (420-99-036).