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File #: 21-10021    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearings Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/20/2021 In control: Environmental Review Committee
On agenda: 10/28/2021 Final action:
Title: Subject: Development Permit and associated applications to allow the subdivision of subdivision of three (3) parcels into nine (9) homes and one (1) common lot. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is proposed. Application No(s): DP-2020-001, ASA-2020-003, U-2020-001, TM-2020-001, Z-2020-001, and EA-2020-001. Applicant(s): Ali Mozaffari (Alan Enterprise, LLC); Location: 22690 Stevens Creek Blvd. APN(s) #: 342-14-066, 342-14-104, and 342-14-105
Attachments: 1. 1 - Draft Initial Study, 2. 2 - Appendix A - Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data, 3. 3 - Appendix B - Health Risk Assessment, 4. 4 - Appendix C - Geotechnical Report, 5. 5 - Appendix D - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, 6. 6 - Appendix E - Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, 7. 7 - Appendix F - Noise Data, 8. 8 - Appendix G - Transportation Data, 9. 9 - Comment Received


Subject:  Development Permit and associated applications to allow the subdivision of subdivision of three (3) parcels into nine (9) homes and one (1) common lot. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is proposed. Application No(s): DP-2020-001, ASA-2020-003, U-2020-001, TM-2020-001, Z-2020-001, and EA-2020-001. Applicant(s): Ali Mozaffari (Alan Enterprise, LLC); Location: 22690 Stevens Creek Blvd. APN(s) #: 342-14-066, 342-14-104, and 342-14-105


Recommended Action

Conduct the public hearing and recommend that the Environmental Review Committee consider the Mitigated Negative Declaration appropriate for the project.