Subject: Consider approving a development proposal to demolish a 71,250 square foot retail center (The Oaks), remove and replace 74 protected trees, and construct a mixed-used development consisting of 267 housing units (88 Rowhouse/Townhouses, 179 senior apartments of which 131 are senior licensed assisted living units and 48 are affordable or below market rate (“BMR”) senior independent living units), 27 memory care licensed assisted living residences (“memory care residences”), and 20,000 square feet of commercial space. The applicant is requesting a Heart of the City Exception for retail frontage along Stevens Creek Boulevard. The applicant is also requesting a density bonus, including associated density bonus parking reduction and density bonus waivers for height, slope line setback, and dispersion of BMR housing units, as well as an incentive/concession for the consolidation of BMR housing units in a single, senior building. City approvals would be certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report, Development Permit (including findings regarding density bonus, parking reduction, concession, and waivers), Architectural and Site Approval Permit, Tree Removal Permit, Use Permit, Heart of the City Exception, and Vesting Tentative Map; (Application No(s): DP-2018-05, ASA-2018-05, TM-2018-03, TR-2018-22, U-2019-03, EXC-2019-03, EA-2018-04; Applicant(s): KT Urban (Mark Tersini); Location: 21267 Stevens Creek Boulevard; APN #326-27-042, -043. (Continued from June 2).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the City Council consider the evidence presented and approve the project in accordance with the following draft resolutions (Attachments A-G). If the City Council wishes to approve the project, adopt the following resolutions:
1. Resolution No. 20-105 certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report and adopting the mitigation measures and Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program (EA-2018-04);
2. Resolution No. 20-106 approving the Development ...
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